
The term "scoliosis" refers to an abnormal curvature of the spine. Scoliosis might be present at birth, or it could develop later in life because of neuromuscular or unknown problems. The condition is fairly common, particularly among girls, and it usually becomes apparent right before a person goes through puberty. Mild scoliosis typically refers to a minor curvature of the spine when few problematic symptoms are present. With a diagnosis of mild scoliosis, the curvature usually is less than 20 degrees, though the actual diagnosis varies from person to person.

For a person who has a mild case of scoliosis, symptoms often are minor or nonexistent. The spine might curve gradually, and the curve might go unnoticed. Some visual indications of mild scoliosis are uneven shoulders, hips or waist. The individual might experience some back pain or slight discomfort. If the scoliosis becomes more severe and goes untreated, pain eventually can become worse or lead to more serious problems

tanak cakap banyak la, aku kena kot benda ni. hang pi la x-ray tengok macam mana tulang belakang hang.

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