
lately i have a new hobby, and it is not reading anymore. so when i'm free and waiting for the next class i will seat at the cafeteria or in the library and watch other people. actually i'm not interested how pretty they are or how handsome they or how awesome they are but i'll observe the way they dressed up. for me by observing other people i will not bored sitting there for two hour or more. it actually can inspired how to match up my new shirt with my blablabla and it will look like this if i match this skirt with my blablabla. sometimes when i see other people my friend will snapped at me, 'woi jangan la pandang orang camtu kili!' haha!


emosi la kan bila dah lama tak balik rumah. padahal rumah tuh bukannya jauh pun dari tempat belajar.
emosi la kan bila mesej mak aku dia cakap dia kat ehem ehem tengah jalan-jalan.
emosi la kan bila tengok kat bus stop semua orang angkut bag.

ok setiap hari jumaat akan jadi hari emosi sedunia!